The ‘WMA’ is a global network of volunteer participants that unites in purpose once a week – from home or from any quiet location, via Zoom and/or in person – to act as an ’energy conduit’ for an ongoing series of ‘Angelic Intentions’ or vibrational frequencies – that is to say, specific, positive inpourings of benevolent spiritual intent which, always accompanied by a precise explanation of their purpose and effect, originate from a higher, more enlightened expression of ‘reality’.
Acting in unison, during each meeting WMA members enter into a state of higher consciousness and become ‘vessels’ capable of receiving and decanting these high vibrations, which are streamed out, via them, to the earth and to all life here.

The future of humanity hangs in the balance. The decisions we make and the actions we take today are creating the tomorrows we will experience – for good or ill. With an eye to the world and society’s current and critical challenges, members of the World Meditation Alliance work with a sense of urgency to help usher in positive global change, to gently pull society back from the brink, and to encourage all souls to take actions and make decisions originating from the heart – from a point of spiritual consciousness and spiritual conscience as opposed to the deifying of materiality and supposed power that is at present causing such great problems and harm worldwide.
Following the receipt by email of a reminder/invitation to join that week’s meditation, at the arranged time members connect with their host, become still, set aside – step outside of – any personal preoccupations, and link to each other and to the Divine spark within their hearts. Next, members are gently put in touch with their spiritual consciousness by each meeting’s host; the definition and purpose of the current Angelic Intention is read aloud by their host, and then, in silence, members focus on that vibration with the intent, without judgement or bias, of making a lasting difference here by feeding the Earth, every soul here and all life on our planet with the nurturing energies each intention offers… energies which, when added to the field of human consciousness and the energy matrix of the Earth with dedication and selflessness, can and will restore harmony, peace, kindness, love and respect-for-all to our planet and to humanity.
It’s little wonder that so many people have been feeling helpless of late, wishing there was something practical they could do to help make the earth a better place. The World Meditation Alliance offers an opportunity to every soul to do that ‘something’… to actively participate and to join each week with like-minded souls and help transform this planet by turning the ‘better place’ so many of us feel our world should be from an unobtainable, nebulous dream into a living, breathing reality.